Malachite Musings

hey there! consider this to be my digital zine. if you've ever come to a Mareko show you have more than likely gotten a copy of the zine before. I like to write song lyrics and put random musings in there so you can walk out with a little bit of art or something lol this page is like the digital version of that. you'll find news, cool links, downloadables, inspiration, and really whatever i got that doesn't have another place to be here. Enjoy!

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did you know i programmed this whole website myself? i spent way too much time on this audio player here lol mostly as an experiment for another project that idk if i'm ever going to actually finish but ain't this pretty cool?

backseat - Mareko backseat - Mareko
Mareko - backseat
Mareko - Better Off
Mareko - I Hate The Rain
Mareko - Blow It
Mareko - I Want To Swallow You Whole

that time i was interviewed on Marooned Radio

im terrible at making playlists. i prefer to just spam a single album for weeks on end, but i wanted to include a playlist here so here's one i made for someone one time.

malachite media 2024